11 March, 2012

I Heart You

Hearts click
Brain Bubble: How about click hearts?
Nature's way of saying  I Heart You.
I guess, I figured what "Love is in the Air" means now :P

 So, love is in the air?
Brain Bubble: Love is where you find it.

Don't they say "Home is where the Heart is"  :P


  1. Sweet. Ah. Love. I reserve my comments :D

  2. People find the figures in reality what they are keeping in a thought..
    btw nice picture.. the first one..!!

  3. @Richa: Reserve but why?
    @dishant: Is that so, now that you mentioned i am forced to believe it :).

  4. Sweet:)
    You have been tagged:) Please visit my blog to know more.

  5. u r tagged and awarded on my blog. Please check :)

  6. L2C,

    OMG, it has been so long since my previous visit! Read all pending posts. Beautiful poems, and Hindi too. Change is the only thing which is constant in life. Beautiful photographs, and so true about heart.

    Take care


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