17 October, 2010

fall pics

May this fall bring all the colors, charm and delight to your life.
  Its can't be a season of Fall if you fail to notice the colors, leaves and fresh life. Here are few shots I managed to capture the Fall season with my amateur photography skills(not to mention from my 8.1MP cellphone camera).

Love the way shot from underneath the tree.
Reminds me of Siddi Saiyad Ni Jali.
Siddi Saiyaid Ni Jaali

Ya, its shaken, but that is what makes it interesting. 
Haven't you heard the term"Electrified"?

Got my point right???

Have you seen this before?
Kuch yaad aaya kya?
 Isnt it like a live painting!

Speaks to me:Dance with me baby!

My version of "Sometimes a picture is just not a picture."
For those of you who missed it, the shiny pearl is the moon. 

I saw them doing the  "Mexican wave".

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